Video Visionary Muse

Tell a Vision!

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Web Series Concept to Sale – Multi-platform Storytelling & Cutting Edge Marketing


Today, Ramón Govea, Writer/Producer and Head of the Transmedia pioneer, Black Mast Studios, will be presenting at the 2nd annual Web TV Trailblazers Summit. Ramón will discuss how he’s been able to go from series concept to a sale using multi-platform storytelling and cutting edge online marketing techniques. Ramón also successfully sold two web series to major companies and coaches clients on the power of social media and crowdfunding to increase the leveraging power of your IP.


Known for his strong spiritual practice, and interest in archaeology and anthropology Ramón’s early career was spent producing Ancient Tomorrow, a documentary in South America and interviewing world renowned explorers and researchers.

His passion for comics has led to his latest partnership with Lion Forge Comics to bring their properties to live action. Ramon’s entrepreneurial experience and “boot-strap perseverance” have made him a Producer to watch. You can watch Ramón today live at 12 pm PST/3 pm EST on the Web TV Trailblazer’s Summit. Grab your free seat.

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Jake Jarvi – Find Eyes on YouTube and Keep Them Glued

Jake Jarvi – October 7, 2014 Web TV Trailblazers



Jake Jarvi is the creator, writer, director, editor, sound editor, one of the producers ,and a visual effects artists on The Platoon of Power Squadron, a web series with over 38,000 subscribers on a YouTube channel with over 4.5 million video views. Legendary horror director Wes Craven (Scream Series, A Nightmare on Elm Street) recently called his work “Slick in the best sense of the word. Very well-lit, very well-conceived. Very, very powerful and unsettling.”


He spent some time in L.A. at the turn of the century, acting in the films Old School and Bondage, appearing in a few commercials, and landing a co-starring role on a Rob Lowe TV vehicle called Dr. Vegas the day it was canceled. He’s served as the Digital Editor for Sheridan Road magazine for the last seven years, editing every video that appears on their website as well as writing over 400 feature articles, profiles, and movie reviews. He really likes movies a lot.

See Jake live on the Web TV Trailblazers Summit and ask him all the hard, Super Hero questions.



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Hide Your Face – 3 Ways to Make Video and Stay Invisible


Online business has taken a huge turn with video. Already, long gone are the days of faceless squeeze pages. Today, everyone wants to know who you are and the best way to show them who you are is through video. Some people feel they are better behind the scenes and not quite ready to jump into the on camera arena, but not doing video at all, your business may be left behind. Here are three ways to start making video without having to show your face.

Slide Presentations – If you feel alright using your voice, create a slide show on Power Point, PDF or a photo editing program like Pixlr or PhotoShop. Write a script around your presentation and record it into your video editing program or separately into an audio system such as Audacity. Edit the voice recording to match your slides and, voila – you have a faceless video.

Live Demonstrations – Cooking, tech and gardening come to mind quickly for demonstrations. All the audience really needs to see are your hands and the materials you’re working with. Of course they will also hear your voice and you can overlay text with music if you don’t even want to listen to the sound of your own voice. Google Hangouts on Air (HOA) are perfect for setting up zero cost video with no editing for demonstrations. All you need is a computer, webcam and a gmail account. You can start today.

Interviews – Interviews on Google Hangouts on Air are perfect for semi invisibility. Set up an interview with someone who complements your field. When the Hangout begins, make sure you “blue box” the guest on the bottom of the “film strip.” This way, only your guest is seen on video although your voice will be heard asking questions and interacting with your guest. The same thing can be set up with a video camera or a smart phone video and the beauty of HOAs is that they automatically record to YouTube, so less fuss.

Eventually, you will learn to trust who you are and let the world see you in all your glory and dents. The more you can do that, the faster you will find the exact people looking for the authentic you. Until that day comes, don’t eliminate video from your marketing just because you feel too shy.

Always find a way to Tell a Vision!

~ Rhonda

Contact me for a 30 minute Complementary Session


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Web TV Trailblazers: Cup of Joe Show


One plus one equals an uncensored, rocking comedy?

Joey von Haeger started as an English major in college and decided to drop out because that’s what “geniuses” do. Quickly regretted this decision, Joey went to film school to hone his production skills. After working in the industry as a grip, PA, sound guy, or anything else that paid somewhere around $100 a day, he finally landed with a production company working on a reality TV show. It was then Joey decided he wanted to make a web series.

Then he met Wes.

Wes Powers grew up in Decatur, IL making no-budget horror films with his sisters. In the Summer of 2011, after graduating with a film degree from Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Wes moved to Nashville and took an internship at a small production company that eventually led to a full-time editing gig. That’s where Joey came to Wes with an idea for a web series.

Joey and Wes share the secrets and difficulties of producing a web series (and not just any, but a narrative web series) with a budget of $0. They will destroy all your lame excuses for not filming yours. Check out the method to their combined madness in their live interview during the Web TV Trailblazers Summit.

Get your free pass to the summit here and today!

Tell a Vision!
~ Rhonda


How Can I Do Video marketing when I Look the Way I do?



I’m sad to say I actually hear this all the time. People truly feel they can’t be in their video marketing because of the way they think they look.

I get it. I was one of those who never wanted their picture taken because inside I thought I looked ugly outside. So, I really understand. The result of living out that feeling is that I don’t have many early pictures of myself. How productive was that? The good thing is when I started producing on video sets, I couldn’t get away from the cameras. Someone was always shoving a lens in my face for behind the scenes shots, when an emergency extra was needed, promos or whatever reason. Even though I was never the Talent (an actor), I got used to being filmed and learned very quickly to get over myself.

Recently, Dove soap caught a lot of grief over the internet for their Real Beauty video and I got a lot of flack on Facebook over my interpretation of the video (Hint: not negative). In reality,  I do hear, “I can’t do video because of how I look” 99 percent of the time from women. Yes, I’m going to get on you women out there, so listen.

 Think about it. Back in the day did the villagers gather to see the Crone for her physical beauty? Or did they plop their butts on her doorstep because they were quite invested in learning how to avert personal disaster, be procreative, heal the plague and have an abundant harvest? The villagers knew the Crone was the expert and did not care how she looked or smelled.

Good for all of us, smell does not translate in video yet.

  Authenticity is the new buzz word flying around the net. All it really means is being real. Never mind that it’s completely crazy that being real is now in vogue (duh), but what can be more real than your unique face in a video showing who you are? Who you are is going to attract the specific and correct people to you and your business (now “they” call this a Tribe).

 According to, your brain scans and interprets facial information like a barcode. People are identified as someone you know or as a stranger. This natural bar coding only works with humans.  Faces of other animals aren’t viewed in the same way. Our brain’s inability to recognize other species as easily as we recognize our own has helped us to survive predators for thousands of years (later on my theory of when the off world aliens land it will cure racism. Hint: we will all recognize fellow humans).

This being said, when your potential clients see your video, you have no idea what beauty they will see in you. Unconsciously, they will see you as part of their tribe. Whatever it is in your unique face and personality, your audience will connect to and over time build trust in you. Trust in you and your expertise (can you cure the plague?). This process is entirely personal and natural. The result is an audience that is totally into you. No matter what you look like. Or think you look like.

Women, please take a tip from the men.

 We are all here for a purpose. There are so many people waiting for what you have to offer and they won’t recognize you until they see you. Hiding because you are not the next super model cheats people from the God given gifts you have to give and they need. Get your face and personality out there in your video marketing so they can find you, get to know you and learn to believe in you. Oh, and a wee bit make up and good lighting never hurts. More on that later…

Peace out and remember to Tell a Vision!


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Video Marketing For Newbies – A Formula For Success

Video Marketing For Newbies – A Formula For Success
By JM Horton

Search Engines today love videos because people love videos. In fact video streams and downloads comprise of 60% of the traffic on the Internet. That’s huge!

The average You Tube user spends 2.5 to 3 minutes watching a video, and about 27 minutes a day watching videos.

If the average users attention span for a video is two and a half minutes, then make your videos two and a half minutes long.

It is also important to make the videos interesting by providing valuable content. You don’t want to use too much hype. People hate being sold to and bull buttered. That’s one of the worst mistakes newbies make in video marketing. Give them something useful they can use in their life, and you will have their attention.

Here is a formula you can use to create the content of a marketing video.

1. Introduction and back ground
2. Present a problem
3. Solve the problem
4. Call to action

First introduce yourself and provide a bit of background. Give them your name and where you are from for instance.

Then you want to present a problem. Think about whom you are marketing too and what their main problems are, so for Internet marketers the problem may be not enough leads, and not enough new representative sign ups.

Once you have presented the problem give them the solution. Something like “With video marketing you can increase your leads and new sign ups.”

Last you want to give a call to action. Tell your viewer what you want them to do. “Go to my website and see what I can offer you.”

A keystone to any type of content marketing is keyword research. I wont go into that here, but use a relevant long tailed key word in the title of the video and as a tag on the video. Then distribute it to as many video-hosting sites as you can find, such as You Tube.

An easy way to do this is to use a service such as Tube Mogul or Traffic Geyser. Both of those sites will distribute your videos for you to a bunch of different sites. You upload the video once to their site and they will spread it around the Internet for you.

Video marketing is a great way to get rankings on search engines, even for newbies. If you stick to this formula you will be making great videos in no time. Check out my website to learn more powerful marketing techniques and discover a system that can help you became a master marketer.

Joshua Horton is an entrepreneur and Internet marketer who has discovered how the power of systems can improve your life and help you to begin living any lifestyle you choose.

Article Source:—A-Formula-For-Success&id=2867608

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The New Wave of the Future

The New Wave of the Future
By Peter Wong Tet Phin

The changing new trend for doing business online is going to be by way of video learning, which is the new wave of the future expected to replace e-books. The notion of “watch, copy and earn” technology now appeals more than the tedious tasks of having to digest large of internet marketing manuals. Most guide books on internet marketing can get very complicating to a new marketer, but with the advent of video learning, it literally reduces learning time and enhances the ability to get to the heart of the matter.

Being able to learn, by watching your tutor on their computer screen, showing you step by step how to implement the actions needed for success in learning internet marketing is definitely going to be most helpful to you.

Video tutorials easily show you precisely where to go, what to do, and most importantly, how to do it. Adding to this excitement will be especially so if the tutor has a knack for teaching, and his excitement shows in video.

Will the video tutorial replace the e-book? I would rather comment that the two would definitely complement each other. Video and audio presentations can reaffirm the text presentation of the relevant matter, and in the case of Internet Marketing and, particularly the business of marketing online, video learning will be the key to online success.

What would expect to get out of a video tutorial?

At least, the basics should include video lessons about the tools you will need to get started with affiliate marketing, tips on article writing, and learning methods of finding profitable products. It will be assuring for any one new to the internet that they can hear a reassuring voice of experience. With 24/7 support no less! These videos will also show multiple streams of income, and then on to the real meat where you create an income system that is completely automated. That is how online business should be.

The biggest problem faced to get started online is the lack of experience. Video learning will give us the chance to both see and hear the voice of experience of the author who actually made it all work.

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